Going Paperless

More and more today you hear of people “going paperless,” and there are many reasons why it is a crucial tool for a 21st century business. If you haven’t heard, going paperless is moving the mountains of paperwork you have in a series of filing cabinets taking up valuable office space into the cloud. Below are some benefits that make going paperless a necessity in a modern business.

  • Being able to respond to a question by a customer immediately without having to dig through a series of filing cabinets
  • Save money by avoiding printing documents and then having to pay an employee to waste time finding the same document
  • Avoiding misfiled documents that become lost forever in the abyss that
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Benefits of Digital Workflow Systems


Digital Workflow Systems help to increase efficiency by digitally carrying out routine tasks without taking up your employee’s time.


Workflow is run by setting up a trigger system, which, put simply, are actions, that trigger other actions.
Triggers can be actions done by the user, or within the system itself, such as a new document being uploaded, field updates, document expiration, initiating approval processes etc.
Actions are things like: initiating approval processes, moving content from one location to another, sending out email alerts, putting things in an users work queue, etc. These actions can even launch other applications, which is commonly used to invoke integration scripts or export documents.
The system, of course, is not limited by regular business Read More

Social Media Tips For Businesses


Some of the basics: share posts that relate to your audience, not just posts about you and your company. Try posting things like relevant news, instructional videos, and creative ideas that interest the type of people who buy your product.

Is your account inactive? Disable it


If accounts are not being maintained within the company either someone should be hired to do so, or the account should be taken down. Stagnant accounts give the impression that the company is either inattentive or out of business.



Common ways SEO and SM are sold


As a posting service
As a set up service with training seminar
As a bundle package of social media accounts and servicesRead More

How Can Social Media Help Your Company?


Social media can help improve your SEO helping your customers find you. How?

By using the social media site’s popularity to boost your own relevance in the eyes of the search engine.

Social media sites tend to appear very high on these lists when searching for both companies and individuals which, studies show, result in more visitors to your site. Not to mention that social media has been proven to be a very cost effective form of self advertising, providing companies new means with which to utilize both free and paid options. Keep in mind that social media service packages are available for sale for a wide range of prices, varying according to the number of services offered and Read More